After Part 16

Glitter and sparkles, the ground looked like a roller rink of silver streamers left over from a high school prom. The snake had developed camouflage genetics decades before but never quite mastered this bright burnt spoon colour. It was anti nature, against anything the snake should have to live in. As it was it morphed its skin into a dull grey. Better then the brown field mouse it was hunting not far away. Mice had not adapted to this fresh hell but they scavenged well and yes there was burnt meat everywhere.
The snake slithered closer, and the mouses heart grew rapid sensing danger but unaware from which direction. He was the last of his clan, most gone to predators, some to radiation remnants, and a few to just giving up the will to live.
The snake slithered closer but the ground changed terrain and it crossed a small twig that snapped. The small brown field mouse bolted in the opposite direction to live another hour, perhaps even a day. And the snake hissed at the twig, out of hunger, and disappointment. Its ancestors looked on it from the celestial plane laughing at this hideous colored thing, that couldn’t even capture a poor brown mouse.
