The world wasn’t flat after all. Despite all the doubters, despite the fact that you could see the curvature from outer space, indeed the world wasn’t flat.
The vaccines weren’t the things murdering people. Despite all the doubters, despite that people with the vaccine lived long and healthy lifes, indeed guns were killing more people.
But to J. Hilder Baum, none of this mattered. He rose to power on a flat earth platform. In fact his business made its fortune plowing through, over and under what was once known as the Colorado rockies.
And now he arrested scientists, math teachers, and worst of all Atheists. He knew there power rested in knowledge of a world before, of a world of free thought.
And he wasn’t going back.
A man fearful of knowledge, but a man with all the money to buy his own version of the truth. And no one dared ask meaningful questions.