The dogs name was Felix. He was brought home by father before the boy was birthed and had a healthy two years of attention before the young ball of screams and smells arrived one snowy evening. At first Felix was curious, and before he had the chance to acknowledge the changing landscape the boy had become less of an intrusion and more of a friend. They went everywhere together. Down to the small creek that spilled out of a far away drainage pipe, to search for worms. The boy would laugh at Felix as he rolled through the water, turning his golden fur brown. Sometimes the boy would take Felix into town with him. They carried fifty cents on these occasions, enough for a soda and small bit of jerky. This is where Felix truly found his joy with the boy. Sitting on the curb watching the transports go by it was inevitable that the boy would drop a piece of jerky, allowing the old Labrador to snack on the delicacy. It was a simple life, but one measured by fifty cents, and a half mile walk home in the fading sun.