Enjoy the day

2014 has been a wild one. Welcoming our son Milo to the world is the highlight of course and brings an amazing perspective and experience to my life everyday. I kind of knew he would change my life and made plans early to prepare for that. I eliminated con-news before the end of last year knowing that I wouldn’t have time for it with the changes. It forced me to slow down. I miss it at times and my participation in fandom events has slowed as a result but not in a negative way. I do miss wandering the hotel hallways late at night going to just one more panel or bumping into a friend waiting for an event. I don’t miss the
lines and I don’t miss the constant booking of hotel rooms and getting my registration in on time.
I do feel like in certain areas my fandom has been renewed by taking time away. I get excited now at the toy aisle of stores. I was numb to them before as I saw the same products every week in a different dealers room. I also don’t hesitate to buy art I like right now as that has also been less accessible. I enjoy genre television just the same whether I saw the actor on a panel or not. But I think the biggest change has been taking it one day at a time. I don’t plan much too far out as I don’t know what Milo will be ready for and when. It actually takes so much stress off and is pretty nice to see where the day will take me. I hope to one day share some of the experiences I had with fandom with him but excited to see it more through his eyes than to get back what I enjoyed. Until then, I go to work, come home to my awesome family and enjoy the day.


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