Aqua Teen Ad is a Bomb Threat?

I just don’t get it? How could anyone think this was a bomb threat? What kind of idiots are living in boston? The fact that the police arrested the man who made this neon mooninite just blows my mind. If i had seen it I would have thought it was one of the coolest things ever. And hey Adult Swim just got more press than they have in their entire existance.
The Original article on Cnn can be found here
Really. I cant believe this is news. What a bunch of overreacting morons. Look the Mcdonalds sign lights up. We’re Screwed!


2 thoughts on “Aqua Teen Ad is a Bomb Threat?

  1. Melissa

    As Schulte and Swan said this morning on the radio, is it marketing gone wrong? Or marketing gone horribly right? Half of Boston flipped out because they didn’t take time to notice that there wasn’t any explosive attached to the batteries and wires, BUT all three major 24hr news networks and however many local news channels, papers, zines, and internet sites have covered this and reported that it’s from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
    Guess Cartoon Network will have to check with Neilsen Ratings. 🙂

  2. Preston

    This is ironic. I just posted something pretty much identical to this, and then I come over here and see you did the same thing. I am glad I am not alone. Thank you Scott.

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