lady in the water.

Im odd when it comes to Shylaman. The films i think are his best, unbreakable, and now this one, most people think are his worst. I think Lady in the Water is leagues better than Signs or worse yet The Village. I think the only mistake with this film comes from Shylaman playing one of the main characthers. Otherwise it just feels right as a movie and Paul Giamitti, god i could watch that guy play any role. I mean any. He is truly amazing, and its a shame he doesnt have that oscar on his bedstand. Probably the first shylaman movie that kids could not be terrified through. In fact it reminds me alot of ghostbusters in tone. Without the comedy. Pretty good summer flick.


3 thoughts on “lady in the water.

  1. hardCore

    loved unbreakable! just saw “lady in the water”. i dunno. i went in waiting for the big twist at the end, and nothing. still digesting this movie, but right now, i somehow feel cheated.

  2. jellyfish

    i thought “lady in the water” was pretty good, but for once shyamalan gave away too much information, like he was spelling out the whole plot every step of the way. it was good for a new fairytale, and i still love fairytales, but i don’t want to see a movie that assumes i’m still 8.

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