Category Archives: Comics

Steve Rude needs your help.

The above is a trailer for the Steve Rude documentary. I really want to see it now. I met Steve at the Midsouthcon about 6 years ago. He’s different than a lot of comic artists as he’s very very into sharing his skill and teaching and also into making art. I also have memories of my brother buying Nexus comics at the gas station when we were kids and me not really appreciating the storytelling in them and Rude’s great art till much later in life. Anyway, I’m writing because currently Steve is selling alot of original Nexus and other art on ebay to save his house. He has till November to do this. Its always sad to see an artist struggle so if you can afford to bid, please do, youll help an artist out of a jam, and get something nice in return.
Ebay auctions and other art on his website. Good luck Steve.


Hickory Con

Spent the morning at the Hickory Con a nice little show worth the hour drive from Asheville especially when we included lunch buffet at Mamatown.
My scores,
Batman Print from Chris Bradberry
ATHF print from another artist whose business card I have already misplaced.
Space Ghost seasons 1 and 2 for ten dollars.
Two Mad magazine paperback collections.
The Gunslinger by Stephen King,
The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene.
and four cookies. Yum.


Peas 168!

Peas 168
The news that Wildstorm would be ending made many a fanboy upset. But to me I just can’t see a DC universe(who owns the rights to the characters) where Wildstorm figures like The Authority or Wildcats should exist. And that leaves us with this week’s Peas where Midnighter, always a hyper violent version of Batman, tries to apply for the DC universe. The results are less than pretty.
Peas 168 here.



Flavorwire lists 10 amazing comic shops. I’ve been to Quimbys in Chicago many times and would have to agree.
I have finished writing book one of Jessica Parasol, Daytime Ghost Hunter. The story will be 3 issues long with the first coming soon. Can’t wait to share it with you.


Scott Pilgrim

Finally saw this last night, and I got to say I really liked it. Even though it’s based on the Oni Press comic series by Bryan Lee O’Malley, it actually felt to me like the first good video game movie. It owes so much to my video game generation, that I’m not sure how anyone older than me could possibly watch it. It’s so full of 8-bit reference and mid 90’s alternative music, that anyone who came before that time, probably just looks at it as a silly light show. Its a language of the culture that to me is a known quanity, and it adds another layer to the storytelling. In the realm of comic book movie, it acutally works as a visual comic, like very few comic movies have (American Splendor being one of the few others) without changing to the normal Hollywood scripting devices that are evident in the Iron Mans and other comic movies. So far Edgar Wright as director has been unbeatable, and I can’t wait for his take on Ant Man.


The Death of Joseph Wells

One of the secret comic projects I’ve been working on is coming soon. Soon enough that I can announce that it is called The Death of Joseph Wells, and that the art is done by the fantastic Daniel L. Maw. The above image is page 3 of the comic. I’ll write again about it as we get closer to launch, but I’m honored to work with Daniel and I think you’ll see why when the comic comes out.
