After part 13

In a small cabin in the West Virginia mountains Sylvia Mackie painted.
She painted whatever her heart desired that day. Sometimes it was the blue bird that was visiting her feeder.
In the winter it was the large tree in her yard, its branches weighted down by the acid snow laying on top of it.
There were days she painted her memories of other humans from her life before. They looked happy and made her happy for a brief moment in time.

In a small cabin in the West Virginia mountains Javier Mackie watched his wife paint.
Sometimes he watched with joy seeing her pass the days with a hobby that brought respite.
Sometimes he watched her with envy, hating that she could so consume herself with something that would never be seen by anyone then themselves.
In the days he would go out hunting to provide for their subsestance he wondered if she would even notice he was gone. Would she stop painting long enough to eat?

In a small cabin in the West Virginia mountains lived Javier and Sylvia Mackie, two people who had lived a life in the time before. 

Two people who found a way to keep living, to keep creating at times, to remember things of times past, and to preserve in oil and canvas, some memory of the time current, in a small cabin in the West Virginia mountains.


After part 12


The beds were lined up six deep, each one with a single white cotton sheet, and a rough but sturdy wool blanket.
Each occupant had one small chest under the bed. It contained a pair of jeans, washed daily, underwear, and a plain white t shirt. No other items were allowed for the occupants own safety. A small speaker was in the left corner of this room. It was quiet now while they slept, but during the day it would play a weird haunting song of piano keys. The same song played all day from wake to sleep.
It was enough to drive anyone insane.
Outside this room was a long hallway, lights fluorescent and humming with electrical madness. And 11 other rooms all exactly the same lined the hallway.
Three attendants were tasked with keeping everyone clean, fed, and alive. Occasionally a fight would break out in a room. The attendants did not intervene. Hopefully everyone would survive and then they would change the rooms of the offenders.
The pay was too low to do otherwise. The attendants ate the same meals as those locked in those twelve rooms. They slept the same hours. 

One would have to ask, were they trapped here? In a grey building on a green hill, with twelve rooms, six occupants each,  watching the days past bye, listening to a piano play.


After part 11

The world wasn’t flat after all. Despite all the doubters, despite the fact that you could see the curvature from outer space, indeed the world wasn’t flat.
The vaccines weren’t the things murdering people. Despite all the doubters, despite that people with the vaccine lived long and healthy lifes, indeed guns were killing more people. 

But to J. Hilder Baum, none of this mattered. He rose to power on a flat earth platform. In fact his business made its fortune plowing through, over and under what was once known as the Colorado rockies.
And now he arrested scientists, math teachers, and worst of all Atheists. He knew there power rested in knowledge of a world before, of a world of free thought.
And he wasn’t going back.

A man fearful of knowledge, but a man with all the money to buy his own version of the truth. And no one dared ask meaningful questions.


After part 10

People came and went from the cobblers storefront, none of them carrying shoes with them. People came and went to the florist but all the plants had died long long ago,
Chozen was tired of watching the bun stand at the end of the street, hoping for a rush for one hour a day and the rest spent counting bills from a government that no longer exists. His mother opened the shop and with a lack of a government led to an lack of institutions of higher learning. Chozen remembers the sun hitting his mother’s face as she taught him how to make the buns which now sustained his livelihood. The sun was warm on his skin that day and his mother’s smile added to the fire in his memory.
Chozen long ago forgot his mothers features, her smell, and her voice. But he remembers the sun that day, long long ago,


After part 9


The neon light sparked and smelled of sulphur. It mixed well with the chicken shack playing old blues tunes out of a loudspeaker above the kitchen. Marcus Samuel Jones had worked next door at the clothing shop for about three years. It would have been an ideal situation except Marcus was a vegetarian. So he smelled the mixture of sulphur and grease every day for three years without earning to buy anything. The owner of the chicken place would smile and wave at him for a while when he first started working there, but over the days, months and years passed, they didn’t even look in each others view anymore. 

Marcus Samuel Jones didn’t look many places anymore. He felt the seam on a velvet pair of trousers, the line perfect in every way. A fine piece of work, most likely done in Idaho or some other third world area. He wondered about the people there, the smoke from the last bombs probably still hovering, the air ripe with lingering death and those who breathed it in most likely shortening their brief, hard life.
The doorbell rang and he looked up into the eyes of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. 

He ran his hand along the velvet seam on the perfect pair of trousers. 


Ifpa NC State Championship

Heading to Charlotte Friday night to compete in my third State championship for pinball. Each of the past three years ive dropped in seeding (8th, 9th) and this year 15th but happy to be included with much better players. Tournament will be on Saturday and cant wait to watch all the good play on display!


January 14th, 2025 After part 7

“Without you, without me, your the end i can see,” she sang quietly to herself while tending to the shipping line. Boxes continuously flowed in her direction, she checked against orders, moved them down the line. He senses were dull here, a bright fluorescent light seared into her retinas. The smell was off a few bits though although it somehow morphed into an almost metallic taste in her mouth.
Last night she walked through a field of roses, the thorns gracing her open arms with small pricks, the smell of blood, also metallic. Her copper hair streaked silver in the moonlight that managed to pierce the atmosphere. She stopped to gaze up for a while. She had heard the tales, of a sky full of stars, a sky full of light. Hard to imagine what it would look like. Finally she came to the bush she had been searching for,  She plucked two purple rose petals and sealed them in a tiny flask, It would be the right amount for the medicine she would need to make later. Always careful to only take what she needed she walked back through the slightly painful rose path, a few hours left before the trudgery would start. Time to rest, and maybe if she was lucky to dream of stars. 


January 13th, 2025 Small Walls

Let down your small walls and take care to step gently,
The anger inside the color wheel isn’t all red and tyranny.
Be wise and slow, be kind and know,
Have time for the answers and things that are shallow,
Sing songs to a friend, sing songs to your enemies,
Or sit in a corner and stand in the center,
Be scared of nothing except the things you can control,
Choose wisely or randomly, but stay true to your vision,
And let down your small walls and take care to step gently.
